Islamic Jurisprudence (Fiqh) Course

Learn the rules and principles of Islamic law (Fiqh) in this detailed course. Understand how Islamic rulings are derived and applied in daily life, from worship to personal conduct.

About This Course

The Fiqh course covers the fundamentals of Islamic law, including the different schools of thought and their approaches to deriving legal rulings. Through this course with Barequlquran Academy, you will learn how Fiqh applies to acts of worship, family life, business, and ethical conduct.

What is Fiqh?

Fiqh refers to the deep understanding of Islamic teachings, encompassing the Quran, the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), and the principles of Islamic law (Sharia). It is the knowledge that helps Muslims comprehend Allah’s commandments and prohibitions, guiding them in fulfilling their obligations toward Allah and fellow humans. Fiqh deals with every aspect of life from worship to daily dealings, emphasizing the rights due to Allah, the rights of others, and instilling a sense of fear and reverence for Allah.

Fiqh is crucial for a Muslim’s life, as it provides detailed guidance on how to live in accordance with Islamic principles. With Barequlquran Academy every Muslim is encouraged to learn and apply Fiqh to lead a life that aligns with the expectations and teachings of Islam.

Levels of Fiqh Learning

Beginner Level:
This curriculum provides a simplified introduction to the basics of Fiqh, focusing on key areas such as the rulings of purification (Taharah), prayer (Salah), the call to prayer (Adhan), and other fundamental acts of worship. It is designed to provide an easy-to-understand foundation for those new to the study of Islamic jurisprudence.

Advanced Level:
After mastering the beginner level, students progress to a more comprehensive study that includes the rulings of purification, prayer, zakat (charity), fasting (Sawm), Hajj (pilgrimage), and other detailed rulings related to worship and religious obligations. This advanced curriculum aims to provide a deeper understanding of how to correctly fulfill religious duties, ensuring a well-rounded knowledge of all the essential acts of worship in Islam.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the basic principles of Islamic jurisprudence.
  • Learn how Islamic rulings are derived and categorized.
  • Study the applications of Fiqh in daily life and worship.
  • Gain insights into the different schools of Islamic thought.

Who is this Course for?

Students seeking to learn more about Islamic law and its applications.

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